Upcoming Events
  1. Tamil Nadu state level Men & Women, Boys & Girls, under 10 boys coaching camp will be conducted in the month of May 3rd week of every year at Chennai.
  2. Formation of District Association:  We are inviting some District association to implement of the Super Nine Cricket. Game interested person please contact me.
  3. Please see web site: 
    www.tnsuperninecricket.org  (India)
    www.sncfi.org.(SuperNine Cricket Federation of India)
    www.isncc-superninecricket.org.(International Federation)
    www.tnsuperninecricket.org (Tamil Nadu super-crickeAssociation)
  4. State Level umpire examination will be conduct in the month of June first week of every year.
  5. Formation of State Association. We are inviting some State Association to implement of the Super Nine Cricket. Game interested person please contact in person.
  6. Other Details Please Contact:
    By E.Mail: 1. ramesh_tncpa@ yahoo.com.
                  2. prk_superninecricket@yahoo.in.
                  3. ramesh_superninecricket@yahoo.in
    age category  Sub-Junior Boys& Girls, Junior (B&G) and Senior (Men & Women)
Super Nine Cricket Ball stumps Available in the  Market:
The New Mukesh Sports Shop.
T.Nagar, Chennai.17. 
Contact No.  022-24335629 ,
Fax: 044- 24335629.
New.No. 66, South usman Road,
Tamil Nadu and South zone Agents . or Contact:
Tamil Nadu supercricket Association

252-A, 4th street,
Yeshwanth Nagar,
Selaiyur post,
Phone; 9444137002.